

Cinderella, snow white, sleeping beauty, well we’ve all of heard of them. But what happens when all of these stories come together in just one movie? And when all of the fiarytale world, comes to ‘our’ world.

Directed by: Kevin Lima

Written by: Bill Kelly

Produced by: Barry Josephson & Barry Sonenfeld

Movie Synopsis: 

The story is when the animated and real world is joint together.

It starts of in the animated world where Gazelle lives in Andalasia and loves Prince Edward. But his mother dislikes Gazelle and wants to get rid of her. So she disguises herself as an old hag, and tricks Gazelle, falling into the ‘real world’ where she lands up at New York’s City’s, Time Square. Gazelle (Amy Adams) turned into a human, wanders off to find her ‘palace’ not realising that she was not in Adalasia anymore. After lots of adventures, Gazelle sees a pink house, which she suggests is her palace. This was actually a divorced lawer’s house,  Robert (Patrick Dempsey) who was living with his daughter, Morgan. Seeing the state of condition that Gazelle was in, suggesting that she was kind of mad, he allowed her to stay in his house.

On the other hand, in Andalasia, Edward (James Marsden) decides to go and find Gazelle, and also lands up in New york. He and his pet Chipmunk set out to look for Gazelle. Later he finds her at Robert’s house, and toegther they go to a ball. Gazelle invites, Robert at the ball as well, with his grilfriend Nancy (Idina Menzel). At the ball Gazelle dances with Roert and realises that she’s falling in love with him. But just as they were dancing, the evil queen, Narissa (Susan Surandon) reaches there and once again disguises her as an old hag. She offers Gazelle an apple, and with Gazelle falls into a deep sleep. So will Gazelle ever wake up? Anf if so, then how if she can only be woken up by her true love? Has her true love changed from Edward to Robert? To unlock these answers, you must watch ‘ENCHANTED’!

Personal Review:

I think that is a very enjoyable movie. People who like fantasy movies and stories like Sleeping Beauty, Snow white, Cinderella etc. Will surely love this movie!



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